Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Day 17

It's becoming a cliche but today was another historic occasion. Bertie Ahern, became the first Taoiseach to address the Houses of Parliament in Westminister. This is an incredible end to what was a sometimes violent and turbulent period in Irish history that stretches over the past 800 years.

There was a time when the Taoiseach being warmly applauded by MPs was inconceivable.

I was fourteen when the so-called 'troubles' started. I still have an old scrap book containing pictures from the start of this last difficult chapter in our relationship with our nearest neighbour.

The picture of the blazing bus in Newry that appeared in the Irish Press is indelibly etched in my mind. Those violent events awakened my interest in politics and history. They made me want to change thing and make a difference. I knew that peace would only arise political engagement and talking.

What a privilege to have seen the process to this happy day. Despite all the doubters, all those who disbelieved, and indeed those who tried to prevent it a number of determined and focused people made it happen.

If ever anyone wanted proof that politics and politicians can make a difference today is it.

I don't know if it was the events earlier in the day, or the fact that polls aren't reflecting what we're getting on the door, but what a turn out for the canvass tonight! Spirits were high. It's a wonder to me to hear the dichotomy between the media coverage of Fianna Fáil's campaign and what the people are saying at the door. We, of course, are getting issues on the door but most people will recognise that the last ten years have been good, and that FF are the party that can deliver the next phase of Ireland's development.

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